Saturday, December 22, 2012

Flags 2

# Union jack
color blue
rect 0,0,300,300
color white
poly {0,20,0,0,20,0,300,280,300,300,280,300}
poly {280,0,300,0,300,20,20,300,0,300,0,280}
color red
poly {0,10,0,0,10,0,300,290,300,300,290,300}
poly {290,0,300,0,300,10,10,300,0,300,0,290}
color white
rect 120,0,60,300
rect 0,120,300,60
color red
rect 130,0,40,300
rect 0,130,300,40
pause 2
# Stars and Stripes
for n = 0 to 13 step 2
color red
rect 0,n*23,300,23
color white
rect 0,(n+1)*23,300,23
next n
font "arial",15,100
color blue
rect 0,0,120,7*23
color white
for x = 1 to 6
for y = 1 to 5
text x*18-8,y*34-27,"*"
next y
next x
for x = 1 to 5
for y = 1 to 4
text x*18,y*34-10,"*"
next y
next x
Rem Триколор
color white
rect 0,0,300,100
color blue
rect 0,100,300,100
color red
rect 0,200,300,100